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About Koondrook Primary School

Koondrook Primary School is situated in the small rural township of Koondrook. Our school is located on Murray Parade, Koondrook, in the Shire of Gannawarra. Situated in a delightful bush setting the school is tucked into a bend of the Murray River.

Koondrook Primary School No. 2265 was established in 1880 to serve the township of Koondrook and surrounding district. Koondrook Primary School is part of the Murray Plains Cluster of schools. Enrolments are drawn from within the town and the surrounding farming district as well as some students coming from the twin NSW town, Barham. A bus service brings students in from outlying areas and the current student population for 2024 is 108 students.

Koondrook Primary School will operate five classes in 2024 (Prep/1, Grade 1/2, Grade 3, Grade 4/5 and Grade 5/6). The school has a current staffing of five full-time Teachers, the Principal, one part-time Teacher/Learning Specialist/Disability and Inclusion Teacher, one part-time Tutor Support/Science Teacher, two full-time Teacher Supports, four part-time Teacher Supports and two part-time Business Managers. We offer specialised Art and Library sessions as well as Science. Koondrook's teaching staff range from beginning teachers to experienced staff. We have moderate class sizes and the school prides itself on the diverse curriculum offered to all students.

During 2013, we moved into the new school. Built under the BER umbrella, it is a modern facility with up to date technologies, 2 learning areas, a shared project/learning space and an administration and toilet area. In 2015, the increase of student numbers saw the installation of a double portable classroom. In 2023 the onsite Koondrook Preschool recieved a new building, so we got the use of the old Preschool building which has now been turned into the Prep room. We also had another portable classroom installed for our growing numbers. We work in flexible learning spaces with the students having the choice of a variety of working areas within the classrooms.

The opportunities provided through this learning environment have resulted in enhanced team teaching and planning, more sophistication in delivering a differentiated curriculum and greater assistance to students at point of need. Koondrook Primary School also includes a purpose built Preschool on site which offers three-year-old and four-year-old Preschool programs. Some of the Preschool students in the area also access Preschool in Kerang and Barham. We have established strong ties with all the Preschool centres. Students exiting Koondrook Primary School attend either, Kerang or Barham Secondary Schools. An outstanding transition program exists to enable smooth transition from Preschool to school, and then on to secondary school and the school liaises closely with all institutions.

We implement the Victorian Curriculum. We offer a full curriculum including English, Mathematics, Humanities - History, Geography, Economics, Civics and Citizenship, The Arts - Visual Art, Science, ICT, Health and Physical Education, Stephanie Alexander Gardening and Cooking Program, Reading Recovery as well as MACC (Art) and MARC (Library) weekly services. Our student Leadership Program and ‘Students Create the Future’ ensure that students have the opportunity for student voice in what we do at Koondrook Primary.

Various means are utilised to communicate with our community. We publish a fortnightly newsletter, have an active school webpage, use our school Facebook page and texting as means to inform and promote school activities and achievements.  Local community groups also offer support to the school as volunteers in sport, gardening and classroom helpers and ‘End of Year’ awards for our year 6 students. The school has a strong involvement in many significant community activities.

At Koondrook Primary School we work cooperatively and collaboratively to ensure that the school operates effectively and that its Policies and Programs are relevant and effective. Great emphasis is placed on the development of literate and numerate children who have a real joy for learning. In striving for continuous improvement, Koondrook Primary School is committed to maximising the educational opportunities for all students, with staff Professional Learning playing a vital role in achieving this.

The rural atmosphere, moderate student numbers and community involvement contribute to a relaxed friendly environment in which students at all levels are able to receive individual attention and which cross age interaction and leadership qualities are facilitated and developed.