Buddies 1
Buddies 2
Buddies 3

Each year we run a buddy program referred to as ‘Buddies’. A junior student is paired up with a senior student to support their transition into primary school. Currently our Prep and Grade 5/6 classrooms are working together.

Buddies is held regularly in Term 1 and then becomes less frequent throughout Terms 2 to 4.  Children participate in structured activities as well as being provided with opportunities to interact in the school yard and classroom.

The benefits of a buddy system are twofold - the older children learn to take on responsibility, while the younger children know that they have a fellow student they can confidently turn to for support. Buddy systems help to promote friendship and support between older and younger peers through regular collaboration between their classes, creating a sense of whole-school community. They also create friendships that enable both older and younger buddies to bond more closely with their school, increasing the likelihood of more positive school behaviour for all students. ​
